Studio - About Us
Modern Ornament's studio is a multi-disciplinary design studio working with the public and with design firms on a consultant basis. We look at each design discipline as a district that collaborates and examines a project's needs from many different viewpoints while utilizing our professional design resources to bring a project to completion. We're on the move to inform others through our design explorations which aim to share design observations and resources far and wide.
Here's a little more on the founder and designer behind Modern Ornament LLC:
"I believe everyone should have access to good design services. Interiors are very special places and often people feel challenged in creating and/or implementing a vision for their spaces. I want to help clients create and realize their vision for their events and spaces because well‐designed environments provide a place in which people can feel safe to explore, create and bring ideas to life." -Wendy Gonzalez, ASID, NCIDQ, Assoc. IES | Founder & Designer

Wendy begun her interior design career by designing award-winning contract interiors at the architecture firm GRAD Associates, PA., and has since worked for various interior design and architectural lighting design firms in New York and New Jersey.
With an educational background in both Interior and Lighting Design, Wendy recognizes that the thoughtful design of an interior is a key element in every successful design project and when lighting is designed to compliment and activate an interior it affords the ability to sustain, empower, and transform an environment in a way that materials cannot do on their own. As part of her design philosophy, Wendy likes to examine each project from the perspective of the inhabitant, considering safety and comfort while infusing aesthetic and sustainable improvements into every design. Wendy looks to design interior spaces that create lasting impressions because through spatial design we are able to express corporate and personal identity, while setting a mood and addressing security and comfort for all who dwell in the space long after the design and construction of the interior environment is completed.
Wendy’s diverse project experience includes projects in corporate, academic building facilities, institutional, governmental, hospitality, public spaces and infrastructure projects. Wendy’s work has been featured in design exhibits and published in magazines such as the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) of North America's LD+A magazine, American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) New Jersey Chapter's Insider magazine and New Jersey Aspire magazine. She has also served as a design panelist for New Jersey Monthly Magazine and has been a featured guest expert for Housesmarts, a TV show with national syndication. Wendy is active in the design community, regularly attends trade shows and CEU seminars to stay in the know of all things design. She has lectured at design colleges and enjoys blogging and writing on a variety of design topics.
- Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IES NA)—Article for "LD+A" Trade Magazine "Field Notes for a Successful Career Transition" December 2016 Issue.
- American Society of Interior Designers—NJ Chapter, Article for “Insider” Trade Magazine “Make Way for the Senses” Summer 2016 Issue.
- Housesmarts TV Show (National Syndication)—Featured Lighting Expert for the Lighting Design Segment “Shedding Some Light on Lighting Tech and Trends”.
- American Society of Interior Designers—NJ Chapter, Guest Blogger for “Dialogues on Design” Blog “Make Way for the Senses” April 29, 2016.
- New York School of Interior Design, NY, NY, “Interior Design Today: Alumni Exhibition”, — On Gallery view March 3 – April 29, 2016.
- American Society of Interior Designers—NJ Chapter, Guest Blogger for “Dialogues on Design” Blog “Deadlines and Daydreams: A Decorative Lighting Update” June 13, 2015.
- NJ Monthly Magazine – May Issue, Featured in “Smart Homes; Smarter Products” Article.
- NJ Monthly Magazine – May Issue, Featured in “Bright Ideas: Interior Designers Talk Shop”.
- NJ Monthly Magazine – May Issue, Featured in “Designing Spaces: Our Expert Panel Talks Trends”.
- Aspire Magazine – March 2011, Featured in “NJASID 2010 Awards”.
- American Society of Interior Designers, New Jersey Chapter “Insider” Trade Magazine Cover Feature – Summer 2010 Issue .
- New Jersey Monthly Magazine – May 2010, Featured in “Everything Smart” Article.
- New Jersey Monthly Magazine – May 2009, Featured in “Superior Interiors” Article.
- New Jersey Savvy Living Magazine - Award Winning Designers Feature.
- The Star-Ledger (New Jersey Newspaper) – Featured Profile in Newark This Week Section, Neighbors Column.
The goal at Modern Ornament's studio is to design spaces that reflect you and bring comfort to your life. With experience in diverse project types MO is your source in helping you identify your design needs, fine tune your design vision and bring a great design to reality. Whether designing for your home, office, commercial or public space, Modern Ornament has you covered. Contact us today for more information.
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