- Know thy likes. Take some time to observe and gather images of styles, patterns and colors that you like. While walking through a store can lead to brainstorming and inspiration, not having an idea of your own style will complicate and lengthen the process, leaving you to wander in endless aisles and stores feeling frustrated with no direction. Taking a little time to learn more about your style preferences will help you discover the styles that you prefer, and in turn help you discover stores and suppliers that carry items that reflect your personal style.
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Know thy limits. Impulse purchases can be some of the best items you bring into a home as they often turn into conversation pieces because of the vivid stories behind them. However, in order to make wise impulse purchases, we should have an idea of what limits we need to maintain. Sometimes limits come in terms of budget, sizes, colors, patterns and time-frames, among other criteria, and it's important to know which of those limits is the most important we keep. Being on the hunt for something that has no criteria can lead to purchases that don't serve your home or your budget well, so don't think of limits as a negative thing, rather, think of it as a tool for helping you identify what you don't want and what you don't need.
. - Know thy goals. What are your aspirations for your home? What feelings do you want your home to convey to you and what is the theme your home should communicate to others? Homes are very personal spaces, which is why it's so great to personalize them to reflect our own personality. Homes are a place where you get to decide how you want your environment to feel and look like. Before you venture down the road of making over your home, take some time to learn how you want to feel in your home. Then find pieces that support those themes and let everything that you bring into your home have a way of expressing or connecting back to that style and emotion.
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