Shoppe TALK

INTRIGUED is one of those words that indicate a change in emotion. Being INTRIGUED means to “arouse the curiosity or interest of; fascinate”. Well, this week we want to involve...
INTRIGUED is one of those words that indicate a change in emotion. Being INTRIGUED means to “arouse the curiosity or interest of; fascinate”. Well, this week we want to involve...

E X P E C T A N T ✨ being EXPECTANT is in itself a declaration of creativity + inspiration. Being EXPECTANT for something means that you are waiting...
E X P E C T A N T ✨ being EXPECTANT is in itself a declaration of creativity + inspiration. Being EXPECTANT for something means that you are waiting...

E N G A G I N G ✨ we’ve been navigating our way through this week and ENGAGING has been setting our #goalsandtones . There’s a big difference between being engaged...
E N G A G I N G ✨ we’ve been navigating our way through this week and ENGAGING has been setting our #goalsandtones . There’s a big difference between being engaged...

MOTIVATED ✨ it’s a new week and we’ve been inspired with new ideas by industry insiders + are committed to weaving new processes and excitement into our future. We’re choosing MOTIVATED...
MOTIVATED ✨ it’s a new week and we’ve been inspired with new ideas by industry insiders + are committed to weaving new processes and excitement into our future. We’re choosing MOTIVATED...

STEADFAST ✨ we love the essence of this word + it’s something that we both continually seek out around us + within us. Being STEADFAST reminds us to live with...
STEADFAST ✨ we love the essence of this word + it’s something that we both continually seek out around us + within us. Being STEADFAST reminds us to live with...

ENERGIZED✨ we’re involved in lots of amazing things happening this week and as we charge ahead we choose to feel ENERGIZED to take on each day. The interesting thing about...
ENERGIZED✨ we’re involved in lots of amazing things happening this week and as we charge ahead we choose to feel ENERGIZED to take on each day. The interesting thing about...