With so many distractions, seeing through a passion project is not an easy task. It takes courage to believe in it, to nurture it, to defend it, to see it through and then to continually pour into it so it has the ability to thrive. At the basic core of the most elaborate project there is always the turning point: the moment you START. STARTing takes courage, it states belief and requires an action. STARTing is not for the faint or uncommitted, it’s for the valiant hearts that dare to fight the dawn and see it to splendor. STARTing is how @modernornamentstore came to be. STARTing is not easy, but STARTing is for me.
We’re joining the @hopewriters #HopewriterLife 12-day challenge! We invite you to join in along on the fun, let us know if you’re participating so we can cheer you on! #letsdothis#gottastartsomewhere#howaboutnow
Modern Ornament at The Shoppes at 615 Mall
615 S Livingston Ave
Livingston, NJ 07039
(973) 436-0791